Wilder Horsham District

Wilder Horsham District is a pioneering partnership project between Sussex Wildlife Trust and Horsham District Council. We aim to work closely with local communities and landowners to reverse the decline in wildlife by creating and connecting habitats to deliver a Nature Recovery Network for the Horsham District.

Please read our Nature Recovery Network document, where we set out how a Nature Recovery Network could be developed across Horsham District.

The objectives of this project are to:

  1. Help wildlife thrive across the Horsham District
  2. Create networks of land that are protected and enhanced for wildlife, to allow habitats to expand and for species populations to increase which will ensure that they are resilient to change
  3. Increase awareness of actions that communities can take to improve their local natural environment and the benefits that wildlife provides 
  4. Maximise the opportunities that protecting and enhancing wildlife brings for climate change mitigation and adaptation

You can read all about the project's amazing achievements to date in our most recent annual report 2023 24 Annual Report (Year Four)

      How Can I Get Involved?

        • If you are a landowner or land manager, get in touch for site visits and ecological advice.
        • Seeking funding for a conservation project? Apply to our Nature Recovery Award for up to £5,000.
        • Help us with practical habitat management tasks as a Wilder Horsham District Volunteer! New volunteers are always welcome. 
        • Brainstorming ideas to help wildlife in your area? Start by requesting a biodiversity data report from the Sussex Biodiversity Record Centre to learn more about the wildlife value of your area.
        • Create space for wildlife in your garden. Wherever you live, your garden can become a vital part of connecting habitats and helping to form our District-wide Nature Recovery Network. Have a look at our wildlife-friendly gardening resources and pick an idea that takes your fancy!
        • Become a part of our social media community for regular project updates!  You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

        In this section

        Get in Touch

        Contact Wilder Horsham District to get involved in the project.

        Nature Recovery Award

        Funding is available to support landowners and community groups wishing to expand and improve networks for wildlife across the Horsham District landscape.

        Project News and Blogs

        Learn what we've been up to recently with our latest news and blogs.

        Horsham District Nature Recovery Network

        Read our document that sets out how a Nature Recovery Network could be achieved across the Horsham District.

        Wilder Horsham District Volunteers

        Find out more about the work of our work party and survey volunteers, and how to join in yourself.

        End of Year Reports

        Celebrate with us the project's achievements over the years as we help to develop a Nature Recovery Network in Horsham District.

        Project Case Studies

        Interested to learn more about what we do, or looking for inspiration for your nature recovery project? Here are a few stories of work we've supported so far...