
The Trust works with children in many ways, principally through the Communities & Wildlife department’s work: school visits to our education centres, Forest Schools, outreach visits to schools and community groups, holiday and after school activities, youth engagement and practical volunteering.

Through its community and volunteering work, the Trust also works with adults with learning difficulties or mental health issues, who may be classed as vulnerable or ‘at risk’.

The Trust recognises that everyone has the right to feel safe. No-one should suffer from abuse, especially children and the vulnerable. Unfortunately, that is not the reality and we have a legal duty to ensure we do all we can to prevent abuse.

The Sussex Wildlife Trust commits to:

  • Stop abuse or neglect wherever possible.
  • Prevent harm and reduce the risk of abuse or neglect to children or vulnerable adults regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex, or sexual orientation.
  • Promote the wellbeing of children and vulnerable adults, recognising that some will be additionally vulnerable because of the impact of previous experiences, their level of dependency, communication needs or other issues.
  • Raise awareness of safeguarding to ensure that everyone can play their part in preventing, identifying and responding to abuse and neglect.
  • Work in partnership with children, vulnerable adults, families, carers, and other agencies – ensuring, wherever possible, that safeguarding is personal to the needs and wishes of the child or vulnerable adult.
  • Provide information and support in accessible ways to help people understand the different types of abuse, how to stay safe and how to raise a concern about the safety or well-being of a child or vulnerable adult.
  • Be pro-active in taking action against whatever caused the abuse or neglect.

Safeguarding Policy

To this end, there is a Safeguarding Policy in place along with relevant procedures and systems. On the Trust Council, there is a lead Trustee for Safeguarding and within the staff team there is a Designated Safeguarding Lead and a small team of Designated Safeguarding Officers. All staff receive training according to their role and the Trust utilises the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) to conduct recruitment checks.

Contact the Safeguarding Team via [email protected]

Contact the Trustee Safeguarding Lead via [email protected]

Reporting Safeguarding Concerns

If you have a safeguarding concern relating to any Sussex Wildlife Trust activity or personnel please email [email protected] 

If you have urgent concerns about a child please call the NSPCC helpline on 0808 800 5000 or [email protected]

If you are under 18 and need help contact child line on 0800 1111 or visit

If you have concerns about an adult at risk please contact the relevant local authority adult social care team or the police non-emergency line on 101.

If a child or adult is in immediate danger of harm please call 999.

Useful links