My 50 years watching Badgers

, 07 March 2024
My 50 years watching Badgers
Badger © Bob Eade

Bob 'BadgerBob' Eade

Back in 1974, at the age of 15, I found a Badger sett at Offham near Lewes. A couple of evenings later, on 19th February, I prepared to wait until I had seen my very first Badger.

I didn't have to wait too long, as at 6pm, a Badger walked along a path near where I was standing, before going down a large entrance to the sett about 10 feet in front of me. A few minutes later it came out again and wandered down the bank where it went out of view. After that, according to my notes of the evening, it made a large noise! That was without a doubt an evening that changed my life, as I started studying this iconic animal, seeing them at several sites in the vicinity, mostly travelling by foot or pushbike.

Badger cub © Bob Eade
Badger cub © Bob Eade

I was so mad about them that my nickname at school was BadgerBob.

I kept notes of every evening right up until my 151st evening on 5th April 1976. I slowed down a bit as by then I had met my [late] wife Penny. However, I still went quite frequently, and had many memorable evenings of Badger watching with friends and family members. I remember vividly taking my Dad. He was sitting up one tree whilst I was up another. We were both looking at a Badger, but not the same one. We were both pointing to the one we were looking at wondering why the other one wasn't taking any notice!

I must have spent well over 2000 hours over the years watching these wonderful animals. It brings much pleasure knowing my sons Matt and Chris enjoy watching them too.

 I have rarely taken photographs of them, however. 

As my 50th anniversary of seeing my first Badger came nearer I wondered if I could see a Badger on the 19th February this year. I got to the sett in plenty of time and waited, and waited. Unfortunately, after all the plans, the Badgers had different ideas and stayed in until I had given up, after three hours. On the way back to the car however, a Badger was seen on the path some distance away, which was a great relief. 

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  • Carol Head:

    Thanks. Lovely. Never seen one. Probably not patient enough!

    09 Mar 2024 17:42:00