Wilder Horsham District '23 Review

The Wilder Horsham District is a 5-year partnership between Sussex Wildlife Trust and Horsham District Council. WHD aims to work closely with local communities and landowners to reverse the decline in wildlife by creating and connecting habitats to deliver a Nature Recovery Network across Horsham District.
Read about their work in this 2023 Review.
Our SWT Regional Group benefit in various ways from the physical work and the advocacy of the WHD landscape-scale initiative.
For our 'Swifts' project we are delighted that WHD have awarded us funding to install swift boxes in Storrington and surrounding villages for a second time .
In our 'Himalayan balsam' project we plan and map out our sites for the summer work parties together so we stand a better chance of eradicating this non-native invasive species. Our group's target area is a small catchment around the Rivers Stor, Chilt and Nut. Read more here.
Our 'Green Spaces for Nature' and 'Churchyards' projects all contribute to restoring the network of resilient and thriving nature across the upper Arun area.
If anyone would like to participate in these above 4 initiatives in some way, then please let us know through a quick email to our group address.