Archive of: Flatropers Wood
15 June 2022
Be tick aware
Now summer is here it is a good time to brush up on your knowledge of ticks, where they live and what sensible precautions you can take.
01 April 2020
Creative nature writing in a time of crisis
Rye Harbour Nature Reserve has a creative writing and poetry group that’s connecting remotely because of the Coronavirus situation. Sussex Wildlife Trust member Jim Northover shares his poem about wood anemones
03 March 2020
Wild Daffodils at West Dean Woods
In Sussex, Wild Daffodils are locally frequent with the majority found in old woods on the Weald. This was a common plant but is significantly declining due to agricultural improvement of meadows and mismanaged woodlands.
12 March 2018
Spring into action
Graeme Lyons has been working with the volunteer group at Flatropers Wood recording wildlife
07 September 2017
New volunteer group at Flatropers Wood
Flatropers Wood nature reserve near Northiam is looking for volunteers
27 June 2017
Flatropers Wood does it again!
A very rare beetle has been confirmed at our Flatropers Wood reserve
26 January 2017
Top Ten Sussex Wildlife Trust nature reserves
Here are the Sussex Wildlife Trust’s top ten most well-recorded nature reserves with a few facts and figures and some charismatic species