Creative nature writing in a time of crisis

At Rye Harbour Nature Reserve, until the Coronavirus crisis began, a monthly creative writing group took place, led by poet Jane Lovell, which met to explore the reserve and write about their experiences of wildlife and nature.
Find out more about them here
Since the current Corona crisis, the group are continuing their creativity from home, communicating by email.
Sussex Wildlife Trust member Jim Northover has sent us these recent poems, about remembering the pleasure of seeing Wood Anemones.
Anemone the windflower:
Named for a goddess of Greek myth
Or a constellation of the vernal equinox
Shy white petals, wide open faces
Tiny canopies of palmated green
Touched now by sunlight, now by shadow
A quiver in the cold wind.
Humble, ancient, timeless constellations
Grounded on the woodland floor
Clear inky night sky, a still, chill, thrill
Frisson of star patterns, known, unknown, unknowable
No planes, no sounds, darkness now descended.
A silent pause for breath.
Humbling, ancient, timeless flowers
Arcing in the firmament
We'd like you encourage everyone to think about Sussex nature-inspired creative writing, based on what they can see from their windows, in their gardens, or from memories of favourite places, and send them in, with photos if they have them, to [email protected]