A review of the Gatwick Greenspace Partnership 2023

Polly Kitson
Acting Head of Community Action for Wildlife
The Gatwick Greenspace Project (GGP) has been busier than ever this year. The aims of the project are to work with local communities to educate and engage, to increase biodiversity and an appreciation of the natural world. There has been a focus on supporting the community to become skilled and equipped to take action for nature independently, whilst continuing to work with our partners. Partners include West Sussex County Council, Surrey County Council, Gatwick Airport and a number of Borough councils within the project area.

This year we have increased the number of schools we work with, predominantly training and supporting Forest School leaders. We have also continued to run exciting, seasonally relevant sessions that inspire young people of all ages - Nature Tots (age 3-5), Wildlife Watch (5-11), Wildlife Rangers (12-15) and Youth Rangers (16-25) at Tilgate Park. These sessions provide opportunities for young people to engage with their local environment. This is so important, and you never know, there may be the next Attenborough out there being inspired. Great work by the team comprising Tamara Jewell, Barry Wildish and Kevin Lerwill. They are also pleased to have worked with ESOL (English as a Second Language) students from Crawley College - see main image.

The fantastic GGP volunteers undertake tasks throughout the project area, giving nearly 2000 hours in just the last six months. These conservation volunteers might be clearing paths, restoring ponds, repairing access routes or removing invasive species. We are so grateful for all they do.

And finally, we have been working within the reserve surrounding Gatwick Airport, in collaboration with their team to, once again, achieve The Wildlife Trusts Bio-diversity Benchmark Award. This project is supported by corporate volunteers from within the project area, and by a small team of dedicated volunteers.