Water is hugely important to people and wildlife, and no life can survive without it.
Sussex Wildlife Trust works to help to manage rivers, wetlands and water resources more sustainably across the County. We help wetlands to function more naturally, making the best of the natural services they provide such as natural flood management, purified drinking water, and carbon storage.
The following pages have useful and interesting resources on water and wetland habitats :-
- The River Restoration Centre
- Floodplain Meadows Partnership
- Freshwater Habitats Trust
- Centre for Ecology and Hydrology
The Sussex Wildlife Trust also contributes to:
- The Catchment Based approach
- UK Wetland Vision
- Blueprint for Water
- The Wildlife Trusts Water and Wetlands Initiative
- Water Framework Directive
- UK & Sussex Biodiversity Action Plans
- EC Habitats Directive
Discover more about Sussex wetlands and our wetlands work, on our wetlands pages