Annual General Meeting

Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) is open to all members and takes place every year to discuss key events and topics involving Sussex Wildlife Trust from the past year. The meeting is also a chance to look forward to the Trust's plans for the coming year.

The 62nd AGM will be held on 9 November 2024 at Ropetackle Arts Centre, Shoreham-by-Sea BN43 5EG and via Livestream. Doors open 10:00, Event closes 14:30.

Watch livestream of our 62nd Annual Members Meeting


10:00 Meeting opens 

10:30 AGM starts 

11:40 Break 

12:10 Chief Executive 

12:20 Matt Phelps – Species Recovery and Reintroductions in Sussex 

13:30 Lunch 

14:30 Event closes

Speaker - Matt Phelps - Species Recovery and Reintroductions in Sussex

Matt, is a birder, all-round naturalist and writer. He recently co-authored Where to Watch Birds in Surrey and Sussex, published by Helm.

Originally from Hampshire, his fascination with the natural world began with childhood explorations of local woodlands and heathlands. He has spent most of his working life nurturing landscapes for wildlife, alongside ecological surveying and leading guided walks and talks. He has worked as a safari guide at Knepp and sits on the Sussex Ornithological Society Records Committee.

In his role at the Trust, he splits his time between coordinating Beaver and Pine Marten work across Sussex.

His talk will cover some of the basics of species recovery and reintroductions in the county, as well as looking at some past, present and future examples of reintroduction projects, from Beavers to White-tailed Eagles to Field Crickets.

Minutes from the 61st Annual General Meeting of the Sussex Wildlife Trust

Trustees' Report and Annual Accounts

You can watch a recording on our 61st Annual General Meeting here 


To book your place at the AGM please email confirming your name and membership number.

Please note numbers are limited due to venue capacity.

If you prefer not to attend in person, please indicate your preference to watch via livestream; a link will be sent by return.


Trustees are elected at the Annual General Meeting in accordance with our Articles of Association. As a registered charity, our activities are regulated by the Charity Commission for England and Wales.

Voting by Proxy

If you cannot attend the AGM and would like to vote, members are able to appoint a proxy to attend, speak and vote at the AGM in their place. A proxy does not need to be a member but must vote according to the instructions given by the appointer. Completed Proxy Notices must be received 14 days before the meeting; they should be sent in the post to Woods Mill, Small Dole, Henfield, BN5 9SD.