Crawley – Tilgate Park Nature Tots Thursdays Age 3-5 (26/09/2024) Thursday, 26th September 2024 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Course Tutor: Tamara Jewell – Gatwick Greenspace Community Project Officer

Nature Tots Thursdays is for 3-5yrs with accompanying adult. Adults free of charge.

Running over 4 Thursdays: 26thSeptember, 3rd October, 10th October and 17th
October 2024.

Nature Tots is a Forest School programme providing a wonderful opportunity for your little ones to experience and learn from nature. Hands-on outdoor activities are themed around wildlife and the changing seasons. Tots are encouraged to tackle woodland craft skills for themselves, and gain a sense of achievement from successfully completing tasks such as using a bow saw or building a den. The sessions will encourage independent learning and team working – all of which will help to boost communication skills, problem solving, physical development and creativity. This is child-led learning and the role of the accompanying adults is to assist the Tots in doing as much of the task for themselves as possible.

Why not come along and give it a go!

Please note: Bookings for this event will close on Monday, 23rd September.

Crawley – Tilgate Park Nature Tots Thursdays Age 3-5 (26/09/2024)

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