Camber Castle Wildlife Walk - Rye Harbour (09/08/19) Friday, 9th August 2019 2:00 PM -

Leader:  James Duncan

Rye Harbour's 465 hectares have international wildlife designations. Join us for a circular walk of approximately 6km, starting out from Rye Heritage Centre. We'll follow the River Brede across the sheep fields to Henry VIII's Camber Castle, where we'll have a look inside, taking the opportunity to observe the wildlife we find on route. We'll then head to the birdwatching hide overlooking Castle Water, to observe some of the wetland birds present. We'll also keep our eyes peeled for invertebrates and mammals and some of the fascinating plants that can be found amongst the unique habitats. 

Meet at Rye Heritage Centre which is located just a few minutes' walk from the bottom of Mermaid Street on Strand Quay.

No booking required, just turn up.

For more information please contact [email protected]

Sussex Wildlife Trust Members - Free of charge. Non-members - Donations appreciated.

Camber Castle © Barry Yates

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