UK Power Networks staff volunteer at Waltham Brooks

, 15 October 2019
UK Power Networks staff volunteer at Waltham Brooks
UK Power Networks volunteers

By Jane Wilmott

Reserve Manager

Volunteers from UK Power Networks joined Sussex Wildlife Trust staff at Waltham Brooks Nature Reserve to help conserve the special habitat.  13 normally office-bound volunteers donned their wellies and gloves to help clear invading willow scrub from the wetland.  If the scrub is left to continue grow and take over the wetland, this habitat will be lost along with the wildlife it supports, such as the Lapwing which is of the highest conservation concern due to declines in population.

Chris Miles, Finance Manager at UK Power Networks said ”UK Power Networks have a great relationship with many local charities and organisations and the company allows staff to take two days off a year to help worthwhile causes. Coming down to Waltham Brooks was brilliant and although it was a tough day of manual labour, the team thoroughly enjoyed the day and we are very much looking forward to helping the Sussex Wildlife Trust again in the future.”
Jane Willmott, Sussex Wildlife Trust Reserves Manager said “ I’m so grateful to all the volunteers.  Their energy and enthusiasm was fantastic and they achieved so much in just a day, despite working a few inches of water! This is the 4th year they have come back now, and I always look forward to it. The photos say it all.”
Waltham Brooks is a Nationally and Internationally protected site as part of the Arun Valley for its breeding waders, over-wintering wildfowl (ducks and geese) and rare ditch plants and invertebrates.

Before Pano

Before and After

After Pano

We'd love to hear from you if you'd like to talk to us about business partnerships or if you have an idea for joint working with the Trust please contact Louise Collins on 01273 497522

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