Sussex Wildlife Trust member and 'top trundler' Rory Berry

We met with Sussex Wildlife business member Rory Berry. He has only been a resident in Sussex for about eight years, but has fully embraced the natural diversity that the county has to offer.
When asked why he chose to settle here, Rory told us:
‘There’s access to so many options, in terms of wild spaces. You can be walking in forested areas, on the downs, even the beach if you want to. I also feel like there is quite a nice emphasis on taking care of nature as there are more and more rewilding type activities going on’.
This natural connection is really important to Rory and is the reason he became a business member of the Sussex Wildlife Trust.
‘It was really important to me that I was able to give back as part of growing my Sussex-based staff retention coaching business (Roaring Berry)’ Rory told us. ‘The work the Trust does is awesome and the reserves are cool - though I haven't made it to all of them yet!’
Rory’s focus on supporting great causes is reflected in his early take-up of trundl, the walking for charity app that counts Sussex Wildlife Trust as one of its founder charity partners.
‘I love trundl!’ Rory enthuses. ‘It’s a really easy, non-competitive app that still keeps me accountable when I’m walking my dog and I get to raise money for charity in a way that works with my lifestyle. With trundl, you don’t have to find any sponsorship yourself, but knowing that I’m walking with people from all over the UK to support some great charities is just happy heart stuff for me. ‘
Sussex Wildlife Trust has partnered with trundl since the app’s launch in early 2022 and across six dedicated community trundls, members have walked 4196 kms to raise over £1000 for the Trust.
Find out more about becoming a business member of Sussex Wildlife Trust
Why not explain what this project is? Don’t tell me to go to ‘the app’ whatever that is. I’m interested in an explanation in the King’s English. It sounds very interesting.
There seem to be few articles relating to West Sussex. Could you have a series getting on to the great house & landowners of the area asking how they promote biodiversity, conservation, etc. In some cases they promote fine gardens – Arundel, Parham, West Dean, etc. but these often lead to planting of too many non-native plants ( if I see another monkey puzzle tree I shall scream), trees in partivular.
02 Jan 2023 13:09:00
Sussex Wildlife Trust:
trundl is a virtual community of walkers and help trundl donate to its chosen charities, including Sussex Wildlife Trust. Walkers (called trundl-ers) use the app to encourage them to be more active, in a non-competitive way. It is designed for walkers of all ages and abilities, from those who walk short distances to regular hikers.