Public Event 10 Nov 7pm

, 19 May 2022
Public Event 10 Nov 7pm


Read a Blog article about this event:  https://sussexwildlifetrust.or...

You will hear from our Chairperson Sarah Abercromby about the Sussex Wildlife Trust Regional Group's 4 projects to help nature restoration at a local level in the upper Arun Valley.

Phil Huggins, our group Secretary will tell you about our successful Swifts project which materialised through a grant and support from the Wilder Horsham District initiative.

The Pulborough Parish Council have a slot to share with the audience their key objective and behind that their tactical deliverables: "To raise environmental awareness to protect and enhance our greenspaces and local biodiversities". This forms the foundation of this Parish's local Climate Action Plan.

Guest speakers after the break are from the Wilder Horsham District: a 5-year partnership between SWT and Horsham District Council. Richard Black and Helen Peacock (substituted by Steve Tilman on the day due to illness) will give us feedback on "Horsham District - How wild is it now?"

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