Meet the staff: Jack Thompson

, 03 February 2025
Meet the staff: Jack Thompson
Jack Thompson © Kai Hilton

By Charlotte Wells

Communications Trainee

Tell us a bit about yourself

I joined the Trust in September 2024. I’m from the Medway Towns in Kent, but moved to Brighton and studied Conservation Biology at the University of Sussex eight years ago. I’m passionate about birds and invertebrates. I worked at the RSPB for six years, and studied bees for my Master's.

Tell us a about your work for the Trust

I work in the Wilder Communities Team with a great group of people. We’re all about engaging new and diverse audiences, supporting individuals, groups, and projects – from offering advice on greenspace management to running wildlife walks, talks, and community events.

What do you most love about your role?

I love meeting such a diverse range of groups, all with a shared passion for nature and their local spaces. Every day is different and a constant reminder of all the good happening across the county to protect and restore our natural environment.

What are the biggest challenges within your role?

I’d say identifying solutions for groups to achieve their project goals. Although groups may look similar in their structures, there are so many differences in people, location, resources, funding etc. So, it’s never a 'one size fits all' approach.

Are there any particular skills you need for your job?

It’s really important to understand people and places. Sussex is brimming with different habitats, towns, people, issues, and opportunities. It is key to listen to what communities are passionate about and coming up with solutions that empower them to be guardians of their local greenspaces.

Where is your happy place in Sussex?

That’s a tough question; there are a few places! I love the coast, the Downs, and nice sunny walks along Hove seafront. If I’m going further afield, heathlands are where I’m most at home. There’s no other habitat that gives me that strong feeling of being in the true ‘wild’.

How do you relax?

I’m one of those people that loves to be active – I get a bit cranky if I haven’t been for a run or played sports. I play volleyball and football weekly; it’s sociable and a great way to de-stress. Although, I try and not let my competitive side come through too much, otherwise I get stressed again!

Swift © Barry Clough

Tell us something about yourself that most people wouldn’t know

Some people will already know this about me; but I love Swifts. Swifts are unfortunately fast declining in the UK, with the most recent Birds of Conservation Concern Report putting them on the UK’s Red List. I’ve supported the Brighton and Hove Swift Group for six years and love every moment. We monitor local Swift populations and use information to provide more nest sites, food in invertebrate prey, and engage with communities that share spaces with these fantastic birds – hopefully giving our beloved Swifts the chance to recover.

If you see this amazing bird, please do record it and find out if there is a Swift group near you!

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