Eastbourne Group - June events

David Beer
On Tuesday 18th June, twenty walkers met at High and Over, looking forward to seeing a number of orchid species. As the footpath entered Cradle Valley, we enjoyed fine views northwards across the Rathfinny Estate. Chris Brewer and Simon Hurt know this area like the back of their hands and they were soon pointing out Twayblades and Common Spotted Orchids. A little further along the path we came across Pyramidal and stunning Burnt Orchids. The peace and tranquillity of the Downland landscape was disturbed by a pair of Buzzards that were being mobbed by Carrion Crows. Whitethroats, Chiffchaffs and Blackcaps were heard in the scrub. A single Bee Orchid and a small number of delicate Fragrant Orchids completed the botanical highlights. Chris explained how volunteers continue to remove scrub from the valley and are being rewarded by the return of a stunning chalk grassland community.

Then on Thursday 4th July, fifteen members of the group met at Butt’s Brow on a sunny and breezy morning. There were plenty of grassland flowers in bloom with a good number of Pyramidal Orchids, Greater Knapweed, Bedstraw, Marjoram, Kidney Vetch and Wild Carrot providing colour amongst the grasses. Out of the breeze and in the warm sunshine an Emperor and Southern Hawker Dragonfly were seen in flight. The number of butterflies was slightly disappointing and limited to Meadow Browns, Marbled Whites, a couple of Small Skippers and a Red Admiral. At the end of the planned circuit, a few of us ventured towards Combe Hill and found a rich area of chalk grassland with many old ant hills topped with Thyme. Numerous Round Headed Rampions with their Oxford Blue flowers and pinkish red Pyramidal Orchids were a visual treat despite the strong wind.