Archive of: Michael Blencowe
19 September 2020
Back Garden Bird Race tomorrow (20 September 10-11)
As we head into Autumn the Back Garden Bird Race returns
20 August 2020
Creating a Wildflower Meadow in your Garden
How I turned my boring front lawn into a wildflower meadow.
20 August 2020
Back Garden Bird Race Sunday 23 August 10-11
The Back Garden Bird Race returns for a late summer special.
05 August 2020
The Wasp Spiders Return
It's the most wonderful time of the year! At the start of August you'll find me crawling around my front lawn - my wildflower meadow. I've been waiting all year for this day to arrive. The spring and summer days of flowers, butterflies and bees and thousand other insects have passed and the colours of the meadow have started to fade.
22 July 2020
The Back Garden Bird Race returns! Sunday 10-11
Welcome back Bird Racers! Throughout the darker days of the Covid-19 pandemic our weekly Bird Race event gave a lot of people a reason to step out into the garden or stare out of their window and get away from the bleak news. We asked people to note down every species
25 June 2020
Corona Wildlife Diary: Day One Hundred
The final Corona Wildlife Diary.
24 June 2020
Corona Wildlife Diary: Day Ninety-nine
What doesn’t go 99 bonk?
23 June 2020
Corona Wildlife Diary: Day Ninety-eight
A final round up of wildlife in my garden.
22 June 2020
Corona Wildlife Diary: Day Ninety-seven
Viruses, chaos and Rabbits.
20 June 2020
Corona Wildlife Diary: Day Ninety-five
A moth trap movie and the incredible camouflage of the Buff-tip.
19 June 2020
Corona Wildlife Diary: Day Ninety-four
An old C90 cassette, a Nightingale and Dame Vera Lynn.
18 June 2020
Corona Wildlife Diary: Day Ninety-three
The Beginning of the End.