Forest School Practitioner Networking Day (31/08/24) Saturday, 31st August 2024 10:30 AM - 2:30 PM
Please note: This event is for Forest School Practitioners only.
If you are a Forest School practitioner, working in the Gatwick Greenspace Partnership project area, why not join us at the end of the school holidays to reflect and refresh your practice at a Tilgate Park networking day.
This day will include opportunities to revisit skills, connect with wildlife, share experiences and support each other.
This is the perfect time for making nettle string, so we will try our hand at cordage.
How to make Nettle String | Sussex Wildlife Trust
If you have string/rope/knot tying/braiding skills, please bring them to share with the group.
There is a small fee of £5 to cover equipment and administration.
Tamara and Renzo would love you to join us for a fun day in the woods.
N.B Booking will close on the 29th August and spaces are limited so act fast to book