What can you do to help our wetlands?
We want to help people to influence their environment and to help tackle our water and wetland issues. There is a whole wealth of ways that you can help improve the health of our rivers and wetlands in Sussex. For ideas, see our Make a Difference pages, or help us with some of the following :-
- Use less water, and natural resources such as electricity and material goods which require water to manufacture
- Check your septic tank, and discover how changing your dishwater tablets and other home habits can help to lower Phosphate pollution.
- Create green infrastructure and Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) in urban areas i.e. driveways
- Contact us for advice on how to create, rehabilitate and restore rivers and wetlands.
- Work with us to tackle big issues such as climate change, flooding and & invasive species
- Help us protect important landscapes such as the South Downs which clean and store vast amounts of our drinking water
- Help wetland wildlife from home by downloading our free advice sheet
- Record the wildlife you see so we can find out more about what is happening with wetland wildlife across the County.
- Register as a volunteer and help us with practical tasks such as tree planting and meadow restoration
- Become a Water Wise Gardener, create a pond or use a water butt.
- Start a Student Research project - we can give you ideas for research topics.
- Get involved in a Local Group or a Local Project. Some local groups and projects are listed below :-
- Arun and Rother Connections
- Sussex Flow Initiative - River Ouse
- Lewes Community Wildlife Project
- The Conservation Volunteers
- Ouse & Adur Rivers Trust
- Arun and Rother Rivers Trust
- www.chichesternaturalhistorysociety.org
- Local ‘Friends of’ groups such as Friends of Rye Harbour Nature Reserve
- Manhood Wildlife and Heritage Group